How to Decorate with Indoor Plants That Will Make You Feel Comfortable at Home

You may search home décor publications and Pinterest for the perfect furnishings, color schemes, and accent pieces for your everyday living areas. Are you overlooking a crucial design feature that doesn’t involve buying an expensive couch or a wall color you’ll quickly tire of? Try a houseplant. Decorating with plants is fun, creative, and economical.Plants improve mental wellness and purify indoor air. Plants improve our mood and make us feel better about our surroundings. There are no hard-and-fast rules for decorating with indoor plants. Consider your environment and green thumb while buying plants in garden centers or online. Start with low-light or low-maintenance indoor plants.Let’s look at various ways to arrange plants and make decorating with plants a key component of your overall home design strategy for some design inspiration.

Decorating with plants

Variety and texture

Variety and texture

Plants should have a variety of textures, just like your living room. Form and texture add visual interest since most plants are green. by changing room foliage. The broad glossy leaves of a rubber ficus and the adorable brilliant foliage of a Chinese money plant are instantly appealing.

The arrangement of plants against the orange wall is the focal point of the room, which we admire that the designer fully committed to.

Make plants part of a color scheme

Make plants part of a color scheme

Plants can brighten any room in the home with their various shades of green, as well as their yellow, white, red, and variegated leaves. They’re more than accents. Consider this arrangement of plants in various greens against a bright teal-blue wall.

No artwork, no matching pillows! Alocasias range from variegated to dark-green, while succulent sedum dasyphyllum is a lovely hazy blue-green. Succulent care is harder than you believe, so read up.

Wellness awaits

Air-purifying plants abound. Plants on your bedside table will help you sleep better and wake up to a joyful scene. Peace lilies, maize plants, and heart-leaf philodendrons are among the greatest air-filtering plants, according to NASA.

Combine styles

Combine styles

We appreciate the white ornamental plasterwork, rustic plant stands, and green plants. When decorating with plants, balance is key. A giant floor plant in one corner of the room will stand out, but lesser plants in the same space may not. This wooden plant shelf lets similar-sized plants shine.

Think small

Plants may decorate apartments or small places. A small group of potted plants near a window (maybe on a table, windowsill, or hanging) gives each plant the attention and space it needs. This succulent arrangement brightens a small space with interesting vases.

Take chances

Upcycling! Reusing old copper pans as plant holders shows that almost anything can be reused. Copper contrasts well with greenery. Succulent plants or epiphytes that require less water are preferable in a setup like this one. If not, keep the plants in little plastic containers lower than the copper pot’s lip so you can water them.

Create wall art with plants

A simple, elegant notion. Plants can be used to decorate a room instead of photos or artwork. These triangular hanging vases lay tight against walls for a 3D, low-profile effect. Succulents and waterless air plants work again. Create a “piece of (plant) art” using different vase forms and sizes.

Avoid soil

Consider growing plants that can survive in water, bark, moss, or on lava rock if you’re concerned about filthy potting soil when decorating with plants. Pothos, philodendrons, most aroid plants, and ivy may thrive in water or hydroponically. Change the water every two weeks. Orchids, like other epiphytes (air plants), can grow in bark, moss, or on lava rock or tree stumps.

Make a hobby corner

Create a potting corner in an indoor or covered outdoor living space if you enjoy gardening and pottering around with plants. If you maintain your space organized with some excellent shelves and a few plant stands, a gardening corner may be a pleasant addition to your home and a spot you and your guests will love.

Brighten up a kitchen

A few green plants, even on a little shelf over the sink or in the spice rack, will brighten any kitchen. To keep a plant from taking up important counter space or growing dangerously close to heat sources, stay with smaller plants or those that can be cut—golden pothos may be replanted. Larger climbing or cascading plants work well on the fridge. Indoor herb gardens on windowsills are fine.

Let there be light

Fill unused sunrooms, light corners, and low-ceilinged spaces with plants! This plant enthusiast created a relaxing green space by utilizing largely white containers and playing with height and texture. If discolored, cheap rag rugs can be washed. Make sure the plants need full sun.

Make a cozy spot

Make a cozy spot

This cozy corner’s soothing ocher, wicker, and wood tones make us want to read or talk to the plants! Again, plants at different heights can stimulate a “dead” space. If you find a thrift shop chair, folding screen, and wooden plant stand, this could be a cheap solution.