Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Solidaritas Sosial: Memperkuat Keterikatan dalam Masyarakat

Jelaskan Pengertian Solidaritas dan Deskripsikan Jenis-jenis Solidaritas Sosial

Hello! Welcome to this informative article about “jelaskan pengertian solidaritas dan deskripsikan jenis-jenis solidaritas sosial”. In this article, we will explore the meaning of solidarity and discuss various types of social solidarity. So, let’s dive in!


Solidarity is a concept that refers to the unity and mutual support among individuals or groups in a society. It entails the recognition of shared interests, values, and goals, which leads to cooperation and collective action. Solidarity plays a crucial role in building harmonious communities and promoting social cohesion.

Now, let’s delve into the different types of social solidarity and understand their characteristics and significance.

Mechanical Solidarity

? Mechanical solidarity is a type of social cohesion that is based on similarities and shared traditions among individuals. It is commonly found in traditional and small-scale societies where people have similar beliefs, values, and lifestyles. This type of solidarity relies on collective consciousness and conformity to societal norms.

? An example of mechanical solidarity can be observed in close-knit rural communities where individuals have strong bonds due to their shared agricultural practices and religious customs.

Organic Solidarity

? Organic solidarity, on the other hand, is a type of social cohesion that arises from the interdependence of individuals in complex and modern societies. It is based on the division of labor and the need for cooperation among specialized individuals. In organic solidarity, people are connected through their complementary roles and contributions to society.

? An illustration of organic solidarity can be seen in urban areas, where individuals from diverse backgrounds rely on each other for various services and occupations to maintain the functioning of the city.

Interpersonal Solidarity

? Interpersonal solidarity refers to the bonds and support between individuals who share personal relationships. It is based on empathy, trust, and emotional connections. Interpersonal solidarity plays a crucial role in fostering social support networks and enhancing individual well-being.

? Examples of interpersonal solidarity include friendships, romantic relationships, and familial bonds, where individuals provide emotional and practical support to one another.

Collective Solidarity

? Collective solidarity involves the unity and collaboration among individuals who share common interests and goals in pursuit of collective benefits. It is often observed in social movements, advocacy groups, and organizations that aim to bring about social change or address specific issues.

? Collective solidarity empowers individuals to voice their concerns, mobilize resources, and work together towards achieving shared objectives for the betterment of society.

Religious Solidarity

? Religious solidarity is based on shared beliefs, values, and rituals among individuals belonging to the same religious community. It fosters a sense of belonging, provides moral guidance, and promotes collective worship and practices.

? Religious solidarity can be observed in religious gatherings, ceremonies, and events where individuals come together to express their faith and strengthen their spiritual connections.

Economic Solidarity

? Economic solidarity refers to the cooperation and mutual support among individuals within an economic system. It involves fair distribution of resources, protection of workers’ rights, and collective bargaining to ensure economic justice and equality.

? Economic solidarity can be seen in labor unions, cooperatives, and social welfare programs that aim to alleviate poverty, reduce income disparities, and promote economic well-being for all members of society.

Political Solidarity

? Political solidarity encompasses the unity and collaboration among individuals who share common political beliefs, ideologies, or objectives. It involves collective action, advocacy, and participation in political processes to bring about social and political change.

? Political solidarity can be observed in political parties, social movements, and grassroots organizations that strive for democratic governance, human rights, and social justice.

Table: Types of Solidarity

Type of SolidarityDescription
Mechanical SolidarityBased on similarities and shared traditions in traditional societies.
Organic SolidarityArises from the interdependence of individuals in complex societies.
Interpersonal SolidarityBonds and support between individuals with personal relationships.
Collective SolidarityUnity and collaboration among individuals with common interests and goals.
Religious SolidarityBased on shared beliefs, values, and rituals in religious communities.
Economic SolidarityCooperation and support within an economic system for economic justice.
Political SolidarityUnity and collaboration among individuals with common political beliefs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Apa pengertian solidaritas?

? Solidaritas merujuk pada kesatuan dan saling mendukung antara individu atau kelompok dalam masyarakat. Ini melibatkan pengakuan kepentingan bersama, nilai, dan tujuan yang mengarah pada kerjasama dan tindakan kolektif.

2. Apa saja jenis-jenis solidaritas sosial yang ada?

? Jenis-jenis solidaritas sosial antara lain solidaritas mekanik, solidaritas organik, solidaritas interpersonal, solidaritas kolektif, solidaritas religius, solidaritas ekonomi, dan solidaritas politik.

3. Bagaimana solidaritas mekanik berbeda dengan solidaritas organik?

? Solidaritas mekanik didasarkan pada kesamaan dan tradisi bersama di masyarakat tradisional, sedangkan solidaritas organik timbul dari saling ketergantungan individu dalam masyarakat yang kompleks.

4. Apa contoh solidaritas interpersonal?

? Contoh solidaritas interpersonal meliputi persahabatan, hubungan romantis, dan ikatan keluarga, di mana individu memberikan dukungan emosional dan praktis satu sama lain.

5. Bagaimana solidaritas kolektif mempengaruhi perubahan sosial?

? Solidaritas kolektif memberdayakan individu untuk menyuarakan kekhawatiran mereka, menggerakkan sumber daya, dan bekerja bersama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

6. Apa peran solidaritas religius dalam masyarakat?

? Solidaritas religius didasarkan pada keyakinan, nilai, dan ritual bersama dalam komunitas agama yang sama. Hal ini memperkuat rasa memiliki, memberikan bimbingan moral, dan mempromosikan ibadah dan praktik kolektif.

7. Bagaimana solidaritas ekonomi berkontribusi pada keadilan ekonomi?

? Solidaritas ekonomi merujuk pada kerjasama dan dukungan saling dalam sistem ekonomi. Ini melibatkan distribusi yang adil, perlindungan hak-hak pekerja, dan negosiasi kolektif untuk memastikan keadilan ekonomi dan kesetaraan.


In conclusion, solidaritas merupakan konsep yang penting dalam membangun masyarakat yang harmonis dan mempromosikan kesatuan sosial. Dalam artikel ini, telah dijelaskan pengertian solidaritas dan deskripsi jenis-jenis solidaritas sosial, mulai dari solidaritas mekanik dan organik, hingga solidaritas interpersonal, kolektif, religius, ekonomi, dan politik. Setiap jenis solidaritas memiliki peran dan implikasi yang berbeda dalam membentuk hubungan dan memperkuat kohesi sosial.

Untuk mencapai masyarakat yang lebih inklusif dan berkeadilan, penting bagi kita semua untuk memahami berbagai jenis solidaritas dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mari bersatu, saling mendukung, dan bekerja sama dalam membangun dunia yang lebih baik bagi semua.

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